Q&A platforms
Proteomics academy recommends various Q&A platforms, helping you to find the best place to ask your Proteomics questions.
CompMS Slack
The international Computation Mass Spectrometry community has a highly active Slack workspace where everyone around the globe can ask their questions on computational mass spectrometry and bioinformatics.
Biology Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange is a network of Q&A websites where users can ask and answer questions on a variety of topics, ranging from programming and mathematics to science and humanities. Each site within the network is focused on a specific subject. The platform is community-driven, with users contributing to and moderating content, and features a reputation system that rewards quality contributions and expertise.
Stack Exchange has a specific website for Biology, where both Proteomics
and Mass spectrometry
can be used as topics.
Explore the Biology Stack Exchange
Research Gate on Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry
ResearchGate is a commercial networking site for scientists and researchers to share their publications and connect with other researchers around the world. It also has an excellent Q&A platform where anyone can ask and answer research-related questions. We recommend using the Proteomics
and Mass Spectrometry